Do you remember this travesty?
Yeah I know, let's not look at it for too long. It hurts, doesn't it?
My blog friends, women I have never met but only know in this wonderful and sometimes crazy world of the Internet, continue to amaze me with their generosity and kindness. I want to thank you all for the comments on my post about my bag. I carried it every day, and also wouldn't have bought it originally had I not found it on sale for 50% off...hence, the sad, sad day of the suntan lotion massacre of summer 2011.
So, what was the surprise package? And who sent it?
This gorgeous yellow version of the same bag (!!!!!!), sent by, none other than, my fairy blogmother--Abbie!

[Tano Boogie Bucket in lemon line, a present from my blogger friend, Abbie of A Glimpse of the Girl Next Door.]
As you can see, I've already started carrying it. We're going steady. I think it's gonna ask me to the prom and pick a corsage that matches my dress.
Abbie, I promise I will take good care of it and will not leave it teetering on a bathroom hook at Starbucks only to see it fall to a devastating death. I'm going to hug it just like in the photo above. Forever. Or until it falls apart.
Have you ever had a fairy blogmother or acted as one?