
I'm Back.

[Me and my itty bitty niece]

I did some thinking about PA's future, and I have decided to keep it but think of it more as my personal blog---which can still include crafts I do, things I eat, shows I see, and other big things happening in my little life. But, I realize that I need another outlet devoted to something more related to my professional life. I'm working on another blog name revolved around children's books (content, design, and illustration,) but I keep hitting roadblocks, especially since time these days is hard to come by. I have yet to come up with anything catchy. I've had a lot on my plate since the beginning of the summer which is hindering my brainstorming sessions.

So, here's to the slightly modified Pink Argyle! Your regular girl geek just getting excited about pretty things in life. All my book obsessions will be moved to a new location---to be determined.


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Pink Argyle All rights reserved © 2010

I am a HowJoyful Design by Joy Kelley

HowJoyful Design