...and I have no pictures. I know, I cried too when I realized someone {cough cough} forgot to recharge the batteries. But I have lots of fun memories and will illustrate them with nice pictures from strangers that I will credit. Here is a sampling of what the Boy and I did (or rather ate) on our three day getaway:
Magnolia BakeryMagnolia has opened up an uptown location since I left New York in 2006, and it's just as cute as the original in downtown. I had a vanilla cupcake a few hours after arriving and it was super yummy. It was a nice WELCOME BACK TO NEW YORK, MO! after waking up at 4 in the morning California time and snoozing on a plane for 5 hours. To be honest, I don't think Magnolia is the best cupcakery in town (I'm a sucker for
Billy's,) but there's something a little exciting about fighting 50 other people on the day before Thanksgiving to grab the last batch of cupcakes. Gives me a nice fuzzy New York feeling inside.

[Photo of Magnolia Bakery by
Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake]
BABBOOh Babbo. This was what we were looking forward to. I didn't understand 75% of the menu despite a year of Italian, but I gladly ate everything anyway. This is what we ate:
Coppa with
Fiddleheads and Pecorino (I thought "fiddlehead" was an insult. Turns out it's a vegetable.)
Pappardelle with Chanterelles and Thyme (best course!!)
Duck Tortelli with "Sugo Finto" (sugo finto=fake sauce, course=really good but not as good as pappardelle)
Grilled Hanger Steak with Royal Trumpet Mushrooms and Cipolline Agrodolce
Coach Farm's Finest with Fennel Honey (this was cheese, by this point in the menu I was about to keel over from food coma)
A whole lotta dessert (YUM!)

[Photo of BABBO from
New York Magazine]
26 SeatsThis is where we had Thanksgiving dinner. Thank you 26 Seats for having pumpkin pie on the menu! I also had sea bass with that delicious French curry sauce that I can never seem to get enough of, and then once I do, I get sick because I've stuffed myself silly. I did, however, miss stuffing. Maybe it will make an appearance at Christmas dinner.
Saja BoutiqueThis was my indulgent Friday after Thanksgiving excursion sans the Boy. Friday morning was purely a Mo morning, complete with a trip to
Teany, a little
Fluevog window shopping, and *drum roll please* a WEDDING DRESS APPOINTMENT. Some may say I'm nuts since the Boy hasn't "officially" popped the question. But I hope most people just think I'm cute and a good planner. ;)
A while ago I saw
these dresses on Style Me Pretty (a really helpful wedding blog,) and I knew I wanted to try them on if I went to New York. They fit the criteria: 1) most of them are made of chiffon, which for no apparent reason I decided would be the fabric of choice for my hypothetical wedding dress, 2) none of them are poufy, 3) they are all fashionably unique, and, 4) the most stand out reason of them all---almost all of them are under 1k, my made-up-on-a-whim dress budget. So I made an appointment at Saja, which was very easy and they were prompt to respond to my email.
When I got there for my 11 o'clock appointment, the dressing room was ready for me with the gowns lined up. The store is really, really cute and the dressing room had a pretty chandelier with a big mirror. I think I was a little spoiled because I was the only one in the store at the time, so I was able to walk around in the dresses without feeling self conscious. The sales associate was super friendly and acted as my girlfriend for the day since I was by my lone self.
And the best part was that all of the dresses were beautiful. I liked all five that I tried on, so I plan to go back and try them on again with a small audience (aka, my sisters.)
Sarah PerlisThis was the big appointment and highlight of our trip to New York. The one that I had anticipated for weeks--our engagement ring appointment with Sarah Perlis at her studio. Before the appointment I probably could have described every ring on her website. So, needless to say, I was a little more than excited. After the Boy asked what ring I would want some months ago, I decided that I wanted something made by Sarah because her work was beautiful, ethical, and completely unique.
First off, Sarah was completely adorable and had everything ready to go by the time we got there for our appointment. She had set out about ten rings for me to try on and "ooo" and "awe" over. It felt like I was trying on engagement rings with a friend and not a stranger!
After trying the rings on, I chose a design and then Sarah had lots of colorful gemstones to choose from for the middle stone. Emerald? Sapphire? Aquamarine? It was a lot of fun to put such pretty gemstones up to my hand to see what it might look like in ring form. I chose a stone, a form was filled out, and that was that. We had an engagement ring. Amazing.
The Boy kept quiet the entire appointment and let me have my fun. After our wedding-related appointments, I practically skipped to lunch at
Now I'm back. At my desk. Sifting through images and filling in spreadsheets. Le sigh.
But I can't complain too much---it was a pretty fun three days across the country.