In addition to the yummy eats last weekend, we also went to the Tim Burton exhibit at LACMA. It was the first day for non-members, and we stood in a lot of lines, but I'm glad we went. It was incredible to see the mass of work Tim Burton has created. There are rooms just filled with his sketches, paintings, photographs, sculptures, videos--all the way from his childhood, up until his most recent work.
I highly recommend the exhibit, particularly for any art students, because it's an inspirational look at a living person's life's work. You get to see leaflets and posters Burton designed as a teen, his essays he wrote in junior high English composition, his art history papers from CalArts, his first book proposal to Disney--it really makes you realize just how much work he put in to become what he is today.
They wouldn't let anyone take photos, so I unfortunately I couldn't take any inside, but there was this fun inflatable piece set to Burton-esque ("na na na na na na") music at the very end.
[Clockwise from top left: promotional poster of Untitled (The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories); a balloon piece at the end of the exhibit; a balloon piece outside; a deer topiary from Edward Scissorhands]
We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the museum, as this was our first visit. I love, love, LOVE this Matisse. You can read all about the museum acquisition of Matisse's La Gerbe here.

[Love the colors, can you tell from my outfit? :)]
It was just another lovely Southern California day.
Hope you all had great weekends and that they were just as cheerful as that Matisse!