[Images from flickr users: Anthropologie window by olanky1, bedroom set by Elena777 and living room set by Elena777]
At one point when I lived in New York, this was my schedule:
8 AM - hop on 1 train to work, fight people for prime pole spot next to door
9 AM - get to internship and run around like a chicken with its head cut off, try really hard not to say anything too stupid in front of editors
5 PM - leave internship, hop back on train, arrive at school really tired
6 PM - arrive at class, stare at computer and sketchbook for 3 hours
9 PM - end class, go home, drown out any noise with iPod
10 PM - pick up a really unhealthy slice of pizza on my way home, put salad on top to make it seem healthier
12 PM - sleep and then do the whole thing all over again the next day
I think after that year, I vowed never to do that to myself again, because not only did I have a full-time internship but I also had class and class assignments. Internship+class+projects+little money=no life.
So I'm really bracing myself for the coming months because I've decided that I want to earn extra money by taking a second job. Granted, the second job is at one of my favorite stores in the whole wide world (Anthropologie!) and I don't have the homework, and I have a little more than a couch to call my own, but I'm still mentally preparing for being busy.
Photo editor by day, Anthropologie slave by night. I'll keep y'all posted on how crazy I get with my new schedule...and new wardrobe. ;)