[Visit The Professional Bridesmaid's blog
This holiday season I get to meet the infamous
Professional Bridesmaid! I am really excited as we have become close blog buddies and she has offered me sage advice and fun blog posts to read. She will also be the very first person I have met in blog world in the real world. Everyone else who reads this blog has either never met me or has known me pre-blog. It will be so nice to meet someone that understands and doesn't think I'm nuts after I explain my
obsession hobby.
Have you met people in blog world in the real world? Any suggestions for eateries in the OC we will enjoy? I am OC-clueless.
Yay! Lucky you! I've only met one blogger: Cyd from the Sweetest Ocassion. I also have a real-life friend who started blogging who I follow, although her blogging is about VERY different topics than mine.
Have fun with Pro'Maid! :)
ooo, i have yet to meet a blog friend, but think it's a great idea. have a great time :)
I'm so jealous! I would love to meet both of you!
I will likely meet Anna from Anna and the Ring soon. I'm definitely looking forward to that too!
tee hee! I can't wait! So exciting! What will we eat???!!!! Too bad Krista, honey my heart, and cnc living can't join us!
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