[Rich chocolate cookies; ginger cookies; Norwegian Hanukkah cookies; honey-gingerbread houses; all recipes on the NY Times]
I have just one more day at work and some more presents to finish and then we're off up the I-5 with a full tank of gas, four audiobooks, some caffeine, and each other's company. Safe travels to anyone in transit the next couple days, and to everyone in the Northeast, I'm sending some sunshine from San Diego. *whoosh* {that's the sound of sunshine}
Ahhh I am missing out on so much goodness with limited internet! Thanks for posting!
I swear, now that the holiday stuff-myself-fest is upon me, I want to eat every single one of these cookies. NOW. Good thing I'm too lazy/scared to bake.
Happy holidays Mo!
thanks so much for posting this! i looove cookies of all sorts and am always happy to have new recipes.
safe travels & happy holidays to you and your family!
Very cute! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!
I'm kinda in love w/ your blog!
I'm getting married in June, will def. be following your updates for inspiration.
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