The holidays are over, and I'm recouping and getting back to the blogging groove. Welcome to 2010 bloggers and readers! To those of you getting married in 2010--woohoo! This year is going to be incredible.
First up of my long delayed blog posts--the Elizabeth Anne Designs Gift Exchange!
I had the pleasure of receiving this awesome package from Maggie at The Freckled Citizen and EAD Living.
What you're looking at is the wrapping paper Maggie made out of Celine Dion pictures. It totally cracked me up when I first saw it, because of this tragic conversation. Let's hope the boy forgot that conversation, because he didn't say a word when he saw Maggie's package. I wonder if he just saw the sparkly ribbon and didn't think anything of the wrapping paper covered in Celine Dion. Totally normal thing to do, right? Doesn't everyone wrap their presents in Canadian superstars?
In any case, I didn't remind him that I promised to put aside my music snobbery the night of our wedding. Shhhhhh don't tell him! He doesn't read this blog anyway!

Totally awesome, no?

A side view.

Playing dress up on New Year's Eve
Thank you Maggie! I love it, and my Celine Dion wrapping paper. Don't let the boy in on the joke. ;)
Ahhh!! You are the most adorable *EVER*, seriously! It was so easy to find a pretty little something for you! I had a blast making that paper, even if I got busted at my office printer looking like a member of the Celine fan club. (GAG.) Happy, happy new year to you!!
That wrapping paper is too funny! Love it!
Awwww you look so pretty Mo!
Yayyyy for 2010 weddings!
Lovin' that headband big time!
the headband is so pretty, mo. and gotta love the great, very creative packaging :)
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