
My Poor Pumpkin

[Illustration by Meomi; pumpkin carving by Mo]

Ok. So my pumpkin did not go as planned. It looks nothing like the original, adorable illustration by Meomi. The fangs look a little like a mustache and the "BITE ME" is not that readable. And how much do I have to carve off of the pumpkin until I achieve a glowing effect? The pumpkin is so thick, I can't imagine how long it would take me to carve it down to a thin enough layer so that the glow of the candle shines through.

I still have one more mini pumpkin, and the back-side of this big one, so my spirit is not entirely lost. But it's always a bit of a bummer when something does not come out the way it looks in my head. Boooooo!

Maybe I should start drafting the blueprints for the gingerbread house I'm going to make for the holidays.


Unknown said...

Your "Bite Me" looks kind of like the B-word. I think that a lot of those cool pumpkins you see online put an actual light bulb inside because it's so hard and fragile to make a thin layer. Looks great though! Hope you and K are doing well.

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