[Wee Gallery Elephant Re-stik, image from Blik Surface Graphics; Elephant Splash collage by Petit Collage, image from Petit Collage; limited edition print from Babar's Museum of Art, image from the American Library Association; leather bookends from PBK, image from Pottery Barn Kids; Elephant Party Card by Robot Candy, image from Elsewares]
My sister is having a baby {!!} and I am helping her decorate the baby room. The theme is elephants, so I will be going elephant crazy for the next 6 months or so. I had a stuffed elephant growing up that I named "Ellie Phant" from Ramona the Pest...perhaps I can find Ellie Phant and give her a new, very deserving home.
CORRECTION: I just found out, after all of these years of thinking Ramona called her elephant "Ellie Phant", that Ramona Quimby's stuffed elephant was named "Ella Funt". It was also in "Ramona and Her Mother" not "Ramona the Pest". My apologies.