I live in San Diego. And I have never been to Comic-Con. To be honest, I was all ready to go back in January, and then May rolled around and my inner voice suddenly started saying, "eh...crowds? lines? How am I even going to get to the convention center? Do I really want to take time and money to go?"
I know, the word "geeky" should be scratched off my profile with big purple marker.
But, if you missed Comic-Con like I did, Wired.com has some great photos from the whole shebang. Here are two of my personal favorites. These two really jumped out at me because of the obvious "I'm at a convention center!!" background. Seeing Batman waiting for the bathroom and stormtroopers riding escalators? Priceless! I like this view of Comic-Con...it pleases me more than the photos I see of massive scary crowds of people. My eyes like seeing the convention center peppered with interesting and fantastic characters...maybe one day I'll see it with my own eyes instead of through Wired's.