So I stayed outside for another hour or so to finish my pumpkin. My heart sank when the boy came in and said "ohhh, that's a really cool jack-o-lantern. Where are the eyes?"
Please tell me you can tell it's an owl. You can tell, right?

At work we had our annual costume contest, the prize being a half day at work. Everyone gets the half day, so it's all in good fun.
I made a jelly fish costume out of an umbrella and some plastic bags around the house. This is how it came out:

There is an entire Flickr pool devoted to jelly fish costumes here. Totally fun to "swish" around in, and best of all, it cost nothing!
I can sense us getting older when I would rather go eat a pumpkin-themed French dinner than head over to the university's annual bash with free alcohol. If we decide to go out tomorrow, I might have to purchase that hot pink dress I saw at Target today to go with the jelly fish.
Otherwise, I'll take pictures of the pumpkin dinner and post them for all of you.