[Taken on our trip to Paris in 2006]
I am posting this question on EAD, but I thought I'd open it up to Pink Argyle too.
We have no idea what to do about our honeymoon. Here are some issues:
1. We are having a Chinese banquet one week after our San Diego wedding. That immediately rules out skipping town right after wedding #1.
2. We probably have to wait to have our honeymoon because of work and school commitments. Until when...I have no idea. I hope it's not too long after. =/
3. We'd like to be able to pay for it without selling all of our possessions or begging our parents. Australia was on our list, but looking at airfare and hotel, it just looks like it's going to be too expensive to go down under. It's still a possibility, we'll just really have to budget and probably wait longer to have our vacation.
Places we have been: Paris, London, Rome, Florence, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Bangkok, Hong Kong
We want to go somewhere that we have never been to before with really good food and beautiful scenery. South America and Africa don't thrill the boy. He's a big fan of Europe, I suppose I'm ambivalent and a little scared of how much money Europe will be since I'd like to stay somewhere decent and not the hostel I stayed at when I was 20.
Perhaps you have ideas that we have not thought of yet! Where would you go?
Cruises are a fabulous way to go... you get all of your food covered and paid for and they stop lots of different places, but you dont have to move around a lot! We did a Mediterranean cruise and loved it!!
I hear you on the expensive and on the wanting to travel. Here are some thoughts:
If you wait six months to save/get school vacation, that's wintertime here and in Europe and options are more limited. Australia or another Southern Hemisphere country is the way to go. Have you looked at Argentina? It's probably the most "European" country in South America. Flight's expensive, country's not. And it's on my absolute-must dream list.
If you go right away, it will be high season and pricey in Europe. No way around it. Hit the southern/eastern countries for slightly less expense: Greek Islands, Slovenia, Turkey, Spain, Portugal.
And I know you said no to Africa, but I'm putting Zanzibar on the list anyhow. Because I love it and it has great food and amazing scenery and culture.
email me for more ideas. I'm a travel nut. I like honeymoon planning even more than wedding planning.
I'd go to Chile. The BF and I love Chilean wines and have discussed about going to do a wine tasting tour!
A Los Angeles love took it out of my mouth - Turkey and Greece are great for Europe and Argentina or Brazil would be fun. South Africa would be fairly amazing - Daily Candy had a feature on it recently I think.
Daily Candy also just did a feature on Honeymooning locations!
Nick and I are potentially doing the Carribbean, but our pre-wedding trip is to Paris next month!
It is probably way expensive, but I am obsessed with Bali and a hut with a glass bottom so we can see the fish below. Someday!
I have heard Peru is gorgeous (also affordable...more importantly the food is good) and worth a visit!
We went to Europe ... but it cost a lot of money. We thought about a cruise, but even though they're "all inclusive", that doesn't include any day-trips you may want to take to the ports of call.
If the boy wants to go to Europe, you need to find out if he'll compromise and either go another time or postpone the honeymoon.
Or, consider somewhere closer than Europe. Macchu Picchu (South America), the Galapagos Islands (South America), Victoria (west coast Canada) or Quebec City (central-east Canada) would all be amazing places!
We are thinking of going on the moose run in Canada. Kind of an adventure/beautiful relaxing vacation.
Here is the link: http://www.moosenetwork.com/
South America, Australia and parts of Africa are intriguing choices... if you're having your wedding in July, you might want to check into the weather during that time of year. Depending on what side of the equator they fall and how developed the area, they might not have amenities like A/C-- freezing/frying to death wouldn't be very romantic!
We wanted a place that hasn't been so affected by the commercialized tourism industry. We've tentatively decided on the Isle of Skye. =)
Good luck with your search!
Lot's of great suggestions here - just to add something totally different to the mix - have you thought of Eastern Europe? for example Prague, Budapest, Krakow? They are such beautiful romantic cities – and a lot cheaper than Western Europe.
My boy and I went for a city break to Prague one December - it was sooo cold but so romantic wondering around snowy cobbled streets and Christmas markets, reading about the history and eating fantastic food. Lastminute.com often has great offers on hotels and cultural events over there … just a thought!
What about Boston? =) My real suggestions include Kauai and/or Maui (one of my all-time favorites), Ireland (still Europe but not as expensive), Munich or Vienna. I love the idea of Australia too!
WOW, thank you so much to everyone's comments! I am overwhelmed by all the fantastic travel advice. I am really glad that I wrote the post because there were a lot of things that I hadn't even considered.
For the first time ever, the boy sat with me to read comments on both EAD and PA. We talked about it a bit more, so thank you again for all of your great feedback.
@A Los Angeles Love: Before your comment, December hadn't even crossed our minds. DUH, we both have breaks in December! I think the reason we weren't thinking of December as a possibility is because of the holidays, but now we're thinking we can manage on Christmas without our families. It just makes more sense for us to skip out that month since we'll both be on winter break for school. That and it's a pretty dead month for work anyway.
@Stacey: Thanks for the Daily Candy link!
@Foxywedding: That exists???! I have to google it now.
@Krista: We saw Macchu Picchu on the travel channel last week and both said "whoa". Definitely looking into it!
@buhdoop: You win the award for the most unique honeymoon idea! I looked at the website and the tours they give look like a lot of fun. Unfortunately we're not really camping people ("Wanna go to Yosemite?" 'Wanna stay in the hotel?") but we do have really good friends who would love this, and I'll forward along the info!
@Luxe-village: Ahhhh Scotland! The boy had Scotland at the top of his list so we're looking into it too.
@Bells: Thanks so much for the suggestion! I think because we don't know anyone who has been to Eastern Europe, it just never occurred to us. I'm going to go do some research now!
@Glo: Nothing wrong with Boston. =)
Hawaii would be lovely, and so so pretty. Another blogger told me it was the best vacation she had ever had, and she had been all over the world. Definitely on the list.
Man there are a lot of places on that list now. I'll let you all know my progress!
a minimoon to somewhere in the US and then a full out honeymoon to greece? i like that idea :)
What about greece? I heard it's amazing there, esp. Santorini!
I would love to go to Japan for a honeymoon... but that's not exactly budget-friendly :)
What about Asia?? Esp SE Asia?? Thailand have gorgeous beaches without the price tag! And natural beauty and the shopping is great!! Check this place out: http://www.theracha.com
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