[This deck was gorgeous.]

[See the haziness in the background? That's the ocean.]

[The view from the porch. No joke.]
I never really found that many venues I liked in San Diego. Don't get my wrong, I'm beyond stoked about the vineyard, and I love the privacy, the accessibility, the large grounds, and the tent. But there really wasn't much competition to the vineyard, the other venues just didn't fit the bill.
But if I were to pick a venue today, The Martin Johnson House would be in the running.
For anyone out there in the San Diego area, this is a gem of a venue. The other night I accompanied the boy to a graduate school party here, and the first thing I thought was "this would be FANTASTIC for a wedding". And lo and behold, UCSD rents it for weddings!
Really beautiful place. We won't be getting married there, but maybe you can. =)
Lady, you are making the rest of us pine for living or at least marrying in San Diego! Beautiful views indeed.
So pretty! Love that view!
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