[Cupcake tower from Sprinkles Cupcakes]
Say you're a guest. You've just finished your first glass of wine, had your picture taken at the photo station, signed the guest book, found your table with a bunch of people you may or may not know, danced a little to Billy Idol, and then you turn around and see a a table full of Sprinkles Cupcakes.
Being the polite guest that you are, you wait until the bride and groom eat theirs first (naturally,) and then you proceed to:
a. ignore the cupcakes. Ew. Cupcakes.
b. ask a friend to share one with you.
c. eat one.
d. eat two.
e. eat three.*
f. none of the above, I'm going to grab one of your goodie bags and steal as many as I can to bring back to the hotel.
Ok, but seriously, if you had 150 guests, how many cupcakes would you order? And which flavor would you absolutely insist I must have? Red velvet and black and white are already on the list. If I can get mocha, we're throwing that one into the mix too.
*my sister's response