I know, forks and knives aren't the most exciting of topics. I promise, this summer is going to be chock full of eye candy, including my save the dates, website, hair/makeup trial, cake tasting, bridesmaid dress shopping, my engagement party, AND my sister's wedding. *Phew*
But for now you get forks and knives, sorry.
I received a catering quote today, and I didn't see anything mentioned on there about silverware or dishware. Obviously those things are important to the meal. Well if the forks and knives and whatever ware aren't included at a reasonable price, perhaps we could fork over (pardon the pun) some moolah for Bambu. They're an alternative to the paper plate and plastic fork, and are organic, disposable, and decompose in 4-6 months!
I also think the natural color would be cute with our general decor. The fork, knife, and spork (they come in sporks!) tied with a red ribbon, super cute.
i love the sporks! i want em. so cute.
Hehaeh I love sporks too, Gangsta Bride (are you THE Gangsta Bride? The one that runs said blog?).
Thanks for the post, Mo. I'm weighing out what to use at our wedding next year. If I go disposable, this chic organic badboys are my only choice! :D
Where did you get them? Somewhere in San Diego or online?
@Anonymous: I never did buy them because we ended up getting silverware, but you can follow the link to Bambu to place an order.
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