How do you back-up your personal photos?
The Alternative Bride's post about her laptop (I hope they can recover those pictures, Dawn!! Keeping my fingers crossed!) reminded me of my own old broken laptop, still sitting in our closet, its hard drive containing important pictures from 2003-2005. I'm much better about archiving my photos on Flickr and in neat folders on my computer (and will hopefully dump everything onto our external hard drive) these days. But I've lived in 6 places in 6 years, and haven't been the best about organizing my own files throughout all of those moves.
So what prompted me to remember my laptop?
I started making our "About Us" page for the website. I wanted to include a variety of photos through the 7 years that we've been together. It was a trip down memory lane as I pulled photos out to scan for the website. Pre-2006? Finding photos started getting difficult.
Pictures from our 1 year anniversary date in San Francisco? Birthday parties? Photos from our graduation from college??!
*pulls out hair*
I can't find them, and it is driving me bananas.
Cappadocia, Turkey Hot Air Balloon Guide
2 years ago
I archive them all on a backup hard drive. If I lost them, I would be devastated!
Thanks Mo! I still haven't heard back but I'm hoping!!!
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